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Theory of propagating spin wave spectroscopy using inductive antennas: conditions for unidirectional energy flow

Many recent papers report on the interest of spin waves for applications. This paper revisits the propagating spin wave spectroscopy when using inductive transceivers connected to a network analyzer. The spin wave conduit can be made of a non-reciprocal material. The formalism offers a method to understand, design and optimize devices harnessing propagating spin waves, including when a unidirectional energy flow is desired. The concept of the mismatch of helicity between the spin wave and the magnetic field radiated by antennas is first clarified. Owing to the form of the susceptibility tensor reflecting the precession ellipticity, there exists specific orientations of the wavevector for which a perfect helicity mismatch is reached. The spin waves with this orientation and this direction of wavevector are "dark" in the sense that they do not couple with the inductive antenna. This leads to single-sided wavevector generation, that should not to be confused with a unidirectional emission of energy. A method to calculate the antenna-to-antenna transmission parameter is then provided. Analytical approximations are then applied on situations that illustrate the respective role of the direction of the spin wave wavevector versus that of the group velocity. The often-encountered cases of spin waves possessing either a V-shaped or a flat dispersion relation are revisited. These reciprocal dispersion relations lead to amplitude non-reciprocity because of the helicity mismatch phenomenon. Conversely, for spin waves with a line-shaped dispersion relation, a quasi-unidirectional emission of spin waves occurs. This situation can be obtained when using the acoustical spin waves of synthetic antiferromagnets when the wavevector is close to parallel to the applied field. We finally show that this configuration can be harnessed to design reconfigurable frequency filters.

Spin-wave dispersion measurement by variable-gap propagating spin-wave spectroscopy

Magnonics is seen nowadays as a candidate technology for energy-efficient data processing in classical and quantum systems. Pronounced nonlinearity, anisotropy of dispersion relations and phase degree of freedom of spin waves require advanced methodology for probing spin waves at room as well as at mK temperatures. Yet, the use of the established optical techniques like Brillouin light scattering (BLS) or magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE) at ultra-low temperatures is forbiddingly complicated. By contrast, microwave spectroscopy can be used at all temperatures but is usually lacking spatial and wavenumber resolution. Here, we develop a variable-gap propagating spin-wave spectroscopy (VG-PSWS) method for the deduction of the dispersion relation of spin waves in wide frequency and wavenumber range. The method is based on the phase-resolved analysis of the spin-wave transmission between two antennas with variable spacing, in conjunction with theoretical data treatment. We validate the method for the in-plane magnetized CoFeB and YIG thin films in $k\perp B$ and $k\parallel B$ geometries by deducing the full set of material and spin-wave parameters, including spin-wave dispersion, hybridization of the fundamental mode with the higher-order perpendicular standing spin-wave modes and surface spin pinning. The compatibility of microwaves with low temperatures makes this approach attractive for cryogenic magnonics at the nanoscale.

Open Access
Spin-Wave Dispersion Measurement by Variable-Gap Propagating Spin-Wave Spectroscopy

Knowledge of the spin-wave dispersion relation is a prerequisite for the explanation of many magnonic phenomena as well as for the practical design of magnonic devices. Spin-wave dispersion measurement by established optical techniques such as Brillouin light scattering or the magneto-optical Kerr effect at ultralow temperatures is often forbiddingly complicated. By contrast, microwave spectroscopy can be used at all temperatures but it usually lacks spatial and wave-number resolution. Here we develop a variable-gap-propagating-spin-wave-spectroscopy (VGPSWS) method for the deduction of the dispersion relation of spin waves in a wide frequency and wave-number range. The method is based on the phase-resolved analysis of the spin-wave transmission between two antennas with variable spacing, in conjunction with theoretical data treatment. We validate the method for in-plane magnetized $\mathrm{Co}$-$\mathrm{Fe}$-$\mathrm{B}$ and yttrium iron garnet thin films in $\mathbf{k}\ensuremath{\perp}\mathbf{B}$ and $\mathbf{k}\ensuremath{\parallel}\mathbf{B}$ geometries by deducing the full set of material and spin-wave parameters, including spin-wave dispersion, hybridization of the fundamental mode with the higher-order perpendicular standing spin-wave modes, and surface spin pinning. The compatibility of microwaves with low temperatures makes this approach attractive for cryogenic magnonics at the nanoscale.

Open Access